User Acquisition & Monetization
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  • Supplying multiple traffics

  • Targeting valuable users

  • Detecting fraud activity

  • ROI-driven program

Supplying multiple traffics to choose: Connected with more than 10000 traffic supplier in varied type, Ustarsmedia can offer you the two-way experience when you choose the sources: first we can bring you with the most effective traffic sources plan to monetize the mobile or website promotion plan and make it easier to attract the audience. Meanwhile you also choose all the sources we proved according to your opinion.
Targeting the valuable users: With over 100M daily active users in all the apps source we collected, Ustarsmedia can provide a global scale to reach your potential users, and support different dimensional targeting requirement for the better advertisement experiences. Setting the OS version limitation, city targeting, gender limitation, age targeting and behavior targeting will be much more convenient.
Success on detecting fraud activity: In this industry, anti-frauds is always a significant problem for the advertisers. With our artificial intelligence system setting, Ustarsmedia are able to monitor the fraud activity during the advertisement, ensuring all the users are 100% real and valuable to you.
ROI-driven program: Higher Retention rate, higher loyal users are the basic of the higher ROI. Providing the verified measurement, safety and transparency, Ustarsmedia can ensure all the element for higher ROI will be successfully achieved, and fulfill your ROI goal for your product.